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Check back here for updates about my current and upcoming engagements, projects, and productions.

News: Text


July 21st, 2019

Today marks the official launch of my website (the one you're on right now!). I am so thrilled to have what has been a work-in-progress for so long culminate in a site that makes my work accessible to the world. As I write this I'm currently in Worcester, MA - a long way from my origins in New Jersey and my current home base in Montreal - where I'm working on costumes for The Hanover Theatre's upcoming production of The Music Man. We go into tech on Monday, so I'm glad to be crossing "finish website" off my list now while I still have time!

This post and what exists on this website now is only the beginning; I can't wait to update my posts and portfolio to reflect my journey as a costume designer and artist. Check back here and click around every so often to see what's new. Thanks for stopping by!

Keep creating, 


News: News
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